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Wednesday, 11 March 2015

As time goes by we as individuals start to shut down from outside world and look deep within ourselves for purpose and deeper meaning to this life .. rightfully so as we progress through life and having the varied and rich experiences we have we tend to realize what’s important and what’s not, what frivolous and what’s not.. It all gets clear, crystal clear !

This point in life is beautiful simply because life has become much more clearer in terms of what you are looking for, what is the core purpose of one’s existence and what is truly valued and what’s not.

I call this phase of life .. Liberation !! For you are liberated from the temptation to be attached to someone, temptation to own anyone, temptation to go after material stuff, temptation to seek validation from others or temptation to just fake it all just to make ourselves look good in other eyes.. once we are liberated from these temptations then we feel free. We feel empowered, we feel light for there is no baggage or burden we carry ..

This liberation and freedom from these baggage’s offer lot of time, space and energy to go after things that makes oneself feel alive, happy and fulfilled, its de cluttering of sorts .. its space in your mind when you feel the ideas are crisp, the path is clear and the goal or purpose visible.

No amount of insinuation or insult from others can shake you for we understand ourselves very well and nothing can deter the self-worth and self-esteem we carry around.. no sinusoidal fluttering of mind and no feeling of helplessness for everything we do or experience is an outcome of our own choices so the consequences needs to be owned by us too.. hence the sense of ownership and responsibility to live through this life with utmost respect for life itself and savoring everything this life has to offer in its bare form.. when you lose the mask and see life as life itself then it becomes more beautiful.

I am not going to kill my soul by judging what’s right and wrong but look at life as a quest for deeper and richer experiences and pave way to paths not explored and dare to bear my dream and dig my way through territories I have never been..

The same goes for Love .. being Loving and humble to all is the value and legacy I carry from my father, it was  indeed a long journey to reach a place where in Love you expect nothing not even Love in return .. Again this point for me is freedom of sorts for its frees up your mind and heart to just Love without any reason or expectations .. Love does not become about conquering someone, or being possessive or owning or dominating or demanding or even begging .. it becomes about giving, nurturing, wellbeing of the loved one .. This offers true power to Love itself and this will help us and the person we love with enough space to explore our lives in our own way and have our own stories or experiences without being bound by the need to do everything together or to have the same experience just because we are married or bonded by Love or bonded for various other reasons .. It’s important to have that individual life experience and own stories, for, our LIFE is truly ours  and everyone else and everything else is just sharing a part of this experience but they can NEVER own us in its entirety.


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