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Thursday, 18 May 2017

People who we wrap around us ....

For better or worse the kind of people in our lives to a great extent determines the quality of life we live and the ideology and familiarity we wrap ourselves around. There was a great book I read couple of years ago called willful blindness and one of the key points emphasized was how we unconsciously surround ourselves with people who are similar to us and our belief and value systems as it feels safe and it feels right as there is no one who really will challenge our way of thinking and we are validating each other’s belief systems.

From my personal experience the kind of interactions we have shapes up our thinking and how we see life, our close group of people influence our way of thinking and living and add depth and volume to how we live. None of us can live in isolation so it is very important to pick and choose the right mix of people around us. Mix for me could be people with whom you can share your personal space, people with whom you can experience intellectual stimulation, people with whom you can just have a chilled out time, people with whom you can have deep meaningful conversations, people with whom you can just be yourself without trying too hard to please .

It is optimal if we can find the right mix as it will enrich our lives ways beyond our imagination and it will push you to become more than what you think of yourself and it will push your thinking and boundaries to unchartered territories and lets you experience life beyond what you know and have seen.

But beyond all these close circle of people around us it is also important to have that one person who comes into your personal space which is much more a sacred space which you share only with your own self or there is room for just one other person. To get into this space this person has to be someone with whom you deeply connect at many levels and it’s a relationship that binds the souls and the energies.

The person who is able to come into this space has to be someone really special and will change our lives inside out, I don’t want to call this person soul mate as for me if someone makes it to this space then they have to be much more than soul mates. This person will be capable of triggering some of the most intense emotions and create gamut of changes by challenging, nudging and nurturing all the way through. Being with person is life changing and transformational as they really question the status quo, question our beliefs, our habits, our patterns and makes you sit back and think and will motivate or push you to change.

This person is capable of lifting you up and pulling you down at the same time, they can protect and dismiss at the same time, they can nurture and they can abandon at the same but the underlying bond will not be affected between the two as we give each other the freedom to be just raw with our emotions and how we feel and we don’t feel the overt need to please or impress which basically takes away all the masks and we are just for lack of better word simply naked with each other and show our deep rooted vulnerabilities, our flaws, our fears, our demons and the fact that the relationship is so deeply connected we simply cannot untangle this person out of our hearts and energies even if the person leaves or abandons physically from your day to day life.

If we ever find this sort of connection with anyone then don’t let them go, hold on to them even if the path feels tough and troubled, even if it hurts and bleeds for some bonds in life are so precious that we just need to hold on it as it will prove its worth in the years to come and in a world where people are constantly putting on masks and living in lies it is rare we find anyone who is willing to open up their vulnerabilities and show us their naked self and we feel safe to show ours .

I personally feel only few gifted people will ever find this sort of deep rooted connection and if you have found one then you should consider yourself blessed and lucky as you are experiencing life in much more depth and richness that most people don’t even get to taste.

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