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Sunday, 21 May 2017

Don’t make your partner your child…..

The other day one of my friend very proudly claimed that her husband is like a kid and needs to be taken care of, although she meant this in a very cute or romantic sense I surely felt bad for her. 

We often get into relationships or arrangement of marriage not to take on responsibility of taking care of another adult but to enhance, enrich, challenge, support and guide each other through this amazing journey of life.  

Although when I got into wedlock it was made to believe that I am now responsible for my husband’s needs, happiness and well-being and not only him but his extended family as well. So the pressure on me was immense and I had made it my life’s mission to ensure my husband’s needs are met and he is “Happy” all the time but realized much later that this is like chasing the endless pit in a long tunnel which led to eternity.  

This notion with which marriages are built are flawed and everyone involved in any kind of relationships should stop expecting the other to “take care” of their needs.  

There is a caveat though - This of course applies to normal circumstances and situations not when one of the partner is bed ridden or has aliments which of course warrants providing physical attentions and time to help and support. 

In the normal scenarios we as responsible matured adults really don’t need our partner to “take care” of us but act as catalyst to challenge us in the right way, enhance our life experiences by sharing time and space, enrich our lives by intellectually stimulating and nurturing, supporting and guiding when there is a need for the same, to encourage each other to go beyond the boundaries, to explore life beyond the usual. All this can only be possible when each of the partner in their own way feel complete and self-sufficient, if each partner holds the other responsible for their own happiness & well-being then this surely is a recipe for disaster. 

Instead we need to invest time and effort to build ourselves and own our own happiness and nurture our own passions and goals independent of which phase of life journey our partners are. There has to be a sense of feeling complete with oneself without needing the partner for anything and it is only in this space that true partnership can nurture.  

So it is important to assess if all your relationship is “need” based or “want “based and there is a vast difference between the both. A need based relationship is basically where you are indicating that without the other person you simply cannot function or live but a want based relationship is indicating that we can very well function in our life but by having this person in my life will surely enhance, enrich and magnify my experience of this beautiful journey. 

Some of us may argue then why get into a marriage or relationship if we are complete within ourselves or that we don’t need our partners for anything and this is a fair point for people who have not yet figured out the power of being self- sufficient and the immense amount of liberation this brings that will propel in moving the relationships from “need” to “want”. 

Once you are in this space then you can see your partner as an individual and a person as whole with his/her own likes & dislikes and not someone who is there to “take care” of you or as the owner of your “happiness”.  This really frees up all the space, time and energy to invest back into yourself, into figuring out your life purpose, your goals and also give enough space for your partner to go through the same process and this can be a very liberating process for both involved. 

I must admit it is not easy to get into this space as there are always expectations built around relationships/marriages and what each other has to offer to keep the relationship/marriage going but if each adult in the relationship is clear that their well-being is their OWN responsibility then there is scope of nurturing the relationship is many other ways which are beyond the traditional way of looking at a healthy relationship. This will foster a natural connection of Love, affection, compassion which will bring the two people together in a much deeper bond and connection that only a few get to experience. 

For me personally a true partner has to be someone with whom you share similar values and life goals (not same but similar) , it has to be someone who can be brutally honest in giving feedback but with a good intent, it has to be someone who can challenge and push you to go beyond cause they believe you can, it has to be someone with whom you can just sit, not talk and yet feel absolutely comfortable and loved, it has to be someone with whom you can share all your vulnerabilities and yet feel safe, it has to be someone with whom you can just be yourself and don’t have to worry about a thing and the most important piece would be to give each other enough space to lead lives individually yet connected so deeply and spiritually. This level of connection and partnership goes beyond just trying to take care of each other or trying to keep the other person happy by doing things as per their definitions of happiness. 

These kind of connections need to be worked on and only two absolutely matured adults are capable of such profound relationships and connection but once you get there it is pure bliss and the dimension in which we live our lives magnifies and this gives wings for you to stretch and expand beyond imaginations. 

Don’t make your relationships your burden, turn them into your vehicle to enhance your own journey and in this process we will invariable enhance their lives too. 

Far too many people are burdened by relationships because there is a sense of responsibility for the other person’s happiness and well-being and this often involves doing things against one’s own will and liking and this causes immense stress and strain which will invariably affect the relationship so stop and rethink on how you approach your relationship and make it a enabling and enriching journey than a disabling and demotivating arrangement.



Thursday, 18 May 2017

People who we wrap around us ....

For better or worse the kind of people in our lives to a great extent determines the quality of life we live and the ideology and familiarity we wrap ourselves around. There was a great book I read couple of years ago called willful blindness and one of the key points emphasized was how we unconsciously surround ourselves with people who are similar to us and our belief and value systems as it feels safe and it feels right as there is no one who really will challenge our way of thinking and we are validating each other’s belief systems.

From my personal experience the kind of interactions we have shapes up our thinking and how we see life, our close group of people influence our way of thinking and living and add depth and volume to how we live. None of us can live in isolation so it is very important to pick and choose the right mix of people around us. Mix for me could be people with whom you can share your personal space, people with whom you can experience intellectual stimulation, people with whom you can just have a chilled out time, people with whom you can have deep meaningful conversations, people with whom you can just be yourself without trying too hard to please .

It is optimal if we can find the right mix as it will enrich our lives ways beyond our imagination and it will push you to become more than what you think of yourself and it will push your thinking and boundaries to unchartered territories and lets you experience life beyond what you know and have seen.

But beyond all these close circle of people around us it is also important to have that one person who comes into your personal space which is much more a sacred space which you share only with your own self or there is room for just one other person. To get into this space this person has to be someone with whom you deeply connect at many levels and it’s a relationship that binds the souls and the energies.

The person who is able to come into this space has to be someone really special and will change our lives inside out, I don’t want to call this person soul mate as for me if someone makes it to this space then they have to be much more than soul mates. This person will be capable of triggering some of the most intense emotions and create gamut of changes by challenging, nudging and nurturing all the way through. Being with person is life changing and transformational as they really question the status quo, question our beliefs, our habits, our patterns and makes you sit back and think and will motivate or push you to change.

This person is capable of lifting you up and pulling you down at the same time, they can protect and dismiss at the same time, they can nurture and they can abandon at the same but the underlying bond will not be affected between the two as we give each other the freedom to be just raw with our emotions and how we feel and we don’t feel the overt need to please or impress which basically takes away all the masks and we are just for lack of better word simply naked with each other and show our deep rooted vulnerabilities, our flaws, our fears, our demons and the fact that the relationship is so deeply connected we simply cannot untangle this person out of our hearts and energies even if the person leaves or abandons physically from your day to day life.

If we ever find this sort of connection with anyone then don’t let them go, hold on to them even if the path feels tough and troubled, even if it hurts and bleeds for some bonds in life are so precious that we just need to hold on it as it will prove its worth in the years to come and in a world where people are constantly putting on masks and living in lies it is rare we find anyone who is willing to open up their vulnerabilities and show us their naked self and we feel safe to show ours .

I personally feel only few gifted people will ever find this sort of deep rooted connection and if you have found one then you should consider yourself blessed and lucky as you are experiencing life in much more depth and richness that most people don’t even get to taste.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Perception is reality ..

The popular saying and corporate mantra that Perception is reality has been hammered into us from ages.. But today I decided to explore this a bit further .. what does this really mean .. what is perception.. perception simply means how another individual forms opinions or ideas about us using the interactions we have had, from seeing some of the things we do and hearing other people’s opinion on us and last but not the least blending them with their own core values and characteristics .. all these together forms one strong image about a person which we then justify by saying “ I know her too well” or “ This is how the person is” or “ She is a loser” etc., etc., so we basically will be reduced to a line or two and the tone of the line will depend on if you have had a positive impact on the person and the person has been able to identify with your ideology or a negative influence if we have challenged their way of thinking and being.

Either ways their idea or opinion about us is NOT really US, neither does it define us, neither does it showcase the entire US as how we behave with another individual will largely depend on what sort of relationship we share with that individual.

People in the close group will gauge us better than someone looking at us from a distance, people in the close group due to constant interaction and sharing of intimate information will have far better clarity of the other than someone who we interact in a more formal or less intimate way .. again even in this case it still is not the entire truth .

So looking little more deeper into this topic , we need to nail down whose reality are we talking about, is it the reality of the person in question or the reality for outside world, what matters the most? What one person feels about himself or herself matters or how someone else things of him/her matters .. For me what I make of myself is far more important than what someone else is making of me  for only I have walked the journey wholly and only I have the full depth of the details of my journey and the purpose for the same so at the end of the day my journey and what I make of it is far more of relevance than what someone else is interpreting my journey to be ..

Perception might be reality to some extent and the extent is determined by how much you really care or give importance to the “image” but at the end of the day when you are shut out from everything and everyone what matters is how much pride and respect you have for yourself .. only that will help gauge the reality of oneself .. its holding the mirror to yourself and being completely naked and true to yourself and then feeling the comfort and solace that you have conducted your life in a way you can feel proud of and can put yourself in a place on contentment and peace.

This is the reality at the end of the day .. it barely matters what someone else is making of us for their perception is simply a reflection of how they see us through their life experiences and there is a vast difference between what is ‘Fact’ and what is “Truth” .

So it’s important that we value our own opinion about us, if we feel we are not good enough or we could do more then that’s what we need to listen to, if we feel we gave everything we have and have acted with integrity and purity of thought then that’s the reality for your soul will never lie to you.. it shows you who you really are and that’s our guiding angel to go through this life journey and only soul or gut as we call it knows the truth and it will guide us in the right way and that is the REALITY of ourselves totally un tampered version of Reality.


Quote :- “Your perception of me if a reflection of you my reaction to you is an awareness of me”

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Few Quotes

Self Confidence is not for the faint hearts !!

Self -worth is not for people who can't be thankful for what they have and know the worth of the same..

People can go any length to be petty n reduce themselves to a nibble just to prove a point. Then please be my guest and gossip and bitch for nothing will ever make an ounce of difference in my life.

My Life rocks and I am thankful for the people in my life and I am blessed with such great set of people around me who refuse to let anyone hurt me and always Love me beyond measure !!

As time goes by we as individuals start to shut down from outside world and look deep within ourselves for purpose and deeper meaning to this life .. rightfully so as we progress through life and having the varied and rich experiences we have we tend to realize what’s important and what’s not, what frivolous and what’s not.. It all gets clear, crystal clear !

This point in life is beautiful simply because life has become much more clearer in terms of what you are looking for, what is the core purpose of one’s existence and what is truly valued and what’s not.

I call this phase of life .. Liberation !! For you are liberated from the temptation to be attached to someone, temptation to own anyone, temptation to go after material stuff, temptation to seek validation from others or temptation to just fake it all just to make ourselves look good in other eyes.. once we are liberated from these temptations then we feel free. We feel empowered, we feel light for there is no baggage or burden we carry ..

This liberation and freedom from these baggage’s offer lot of time, space and energy to go after things that makes oneself feel alive, happy and fulfilled, its de cluttering of sorts .. its space in your mind when you feel the ideas are crisp, the path is clear and the goal or purpose visible.

No amount of insinuation or insult from others can shake you for we understand ourselves very well and nothing can deter the self-worth and self-esteem we carry around.. no sinusoidal fluttering of mind and no feeling of helplessness for everything we do or experience is an outcome of our own choices so the consequences needs to be owned by us too.. hence the sense of ownership and responsibility to live through this life with utmost respect for life itself and savoring everything this life has to offer in its bare form.. when you lose the mask and see life as life itself then it becomes more beautiful.

I am not going to kill my soul by judging what’s right and wrong but look at life as a quest for deeper and richer experiences and pave way to paths not explored and dare to bear my dream and dig my way through territories I have never been..

The same goes for Love .. being Loving and humble to all is the value and legacy I carry from my father, it was  indeed a long journey to reach a place where in Love you expect nothing not even Love in return .. Again this point for me is freedom of sorts for its frees up your mind and heart to just Love without any reason or expectations .. Love does not become about conquering someone, or being possessive or owning or dominating or demanding or even begging .. it becomes about giving, nurturing, wellbeing of the loved one .. This offers true power to Love itself and this will help us and the person we love with enough space to explore our lives in our own way and have our own stories or experiences without being bound by the need to do everything together or to have the same experience just because we are married or bonded by Love or bonded for various other reasons .. It’s important to have that individual life experience and own stories, for, our LIFE is truly ours  and everyone else and everything else is just sharing a part of this experience but they can NEVER own us in its entirety.


Monday, 22 April 2013

Love is like a new born child
When it arrives it fills our heart with warmth and overwhelming joy
Everyday unfolds new mysteries and new secrets
The presence of love seem so divine and will pretty much take over our life..

Then Love grows older with time..
Love gets cranky
Love throws tantrums
Love becomes unreasonable & Love demystifies reality

Love is not what we thought supposed to be
Love is unreasonable and wrecks your life
Love asks questions
Love needs justification
Love needs attention and gets too demanding
At this point you question did you really want Love in your life or was better off alone..

Love now seems silent just like the teenager who wants to be left alone
Love now needs independence just like the teenager who locks his room
Love now wants to explore things outside and is curious of external things
Love now loves the adventure of unknown, loves the excitement of outside world only to realize soon they don’t sustain..
Love now is hurt. !!
Love was lost and a warm hand holds love and says don’t worry it will all be fine..
Soon reflection follows....
Love is learning to love you first
Love is sweetness of emotions nothing to do with expectations..
Love is not a deal.. its needs to be pure…
Love is in the small things you do..
Love is in the warm words you say
Love is the bright smile you give
And Love is gratitude for what you have ..

Love now is all set to leave home and all we can do is to Let go !!
Let go and feel nice that no matter what love will prevail …
It goes through its ups and downs but none can live without Love..
We all need someone who cares for us and someone to care for..
We all need a reason to wake up and a reason to be..
Love cannot be experienced if the intention is possession, you can feel true love only in total freedom, only in utmost trust and only in giving..

Love is love and nothing on this earth can ever replace love !!

Friday, 19 April 2013


Life is sweet
Life is hard
Life is rocky and sometimes sad
But Life is also smiles
Life is also cries
Life is also ups and life is also the downs
Life is unpredictable yet so beautiful
Life is lonely and yet so crowded
Life is filled with Love and yet with hurt
Life is pain yet with people to share
Life is Life
Need to go through Life with its beauty and its cracks
Life is Life and that sums up all!!