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Friday, 19 April 2013

Moments Oh Sweet Moments !!

Moments oh moments
So pure like the dew drops
Moments of discovery
Moments of feeling light
Moments of feeling at ease
Moments of sweet smiles
Moments of sweet nothings
And Moments of pure Love
Moments of oneness &
Moments of separation
Moments of silly fights and moments of making up
Moments of feeling the whole world is beautiful and moments of feeling the whole world has slipped beneath your feet
Moments of great pain, pain that just can’t be expressed and moments of sadness
& then comes moments of change and moment of finally letting go….
Then comes the moment of reflection and the moment of peace
Moments where you know that love need not be possessed it just needs to be..
Moments you nurture your love with all the great time spent and moments where you hide all these moments in the sweet corner of your heart only to be remembered every day to give you strength when you need and give you comfort when you need...
These moments makes you strong and give you the sense of closeness & belief that in spite of distance and time there is someone in this world to hold on to & that the moments will not be forgotten until the last breathe and thus you cuddle the moments and make it your strength and move along with the rest of your life with a sweet smile on your lips and a heart filled with moments of sweet memories to cherish !!

Moments are nothing but Beautiful Time that stands still and life around you numbs ...

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