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Sunday, 23 October 2011

Art of Letting Go or Getting lost !!

Relationships are hard, they need constant nurturing, care and time commitment to keep it going and this needs to be done by both parties involved in the relationship and this topic is not limited to just husband & wife or boy friend, girl friend sort of relationship, it’s just about any relationship in your life.

While we are busy nurturing the various relationships in our lives it is quite possible we forget about some just coz of other priorities or just lack of interest to take it any further and it may so happen that one of them just give up and hibernate leaving the other person totally clueless of what happened and I hate such circumstances.

Its fine if the other person does not want to pursue the relationship or want to pause for sometime but the basic rule is to communicate the same to the other person involved, it would make life so much more easier for that person not to second guess or assume whole lot of things but to merely give the space and time required by the other person to sort out things and come back.

It just needs little bit of compassion to think about who might be hurt with such aloof behavior and just letting that person know that they are not the reason for them being aloof but other things in their lives which took precedence at that point in time. And even if that person is the reason for being aloof then it’s always good to talk it out and give that relationship a “closure” instead of leaving loose ends, this will hurt but eventually it will help both the parties move on as its clear it’s over and there is no scope to revive this relationship.

Letting go gets lot more easier if both are on same page instead of having to guess – Is it me, what did I say, What did I do etc., etc., I have always found these circumstances extremely disturbing and it just disrupts life around you as you are constantly consumed by the thought of “WHAT” happened ?

Learning the art of letting go, this has been a time consuming and mentally stressful exercise for me, I need to go through the phase of anger, frustration of not knowing what happened, then reflecting & introspecting and then eventually coming out with my own rationale of what must have happened and then move on to change your belief systems and then finally forgiving and letting go.. It’s such a long drawn process and its painful and all this can be saved if people involved in any relationship can be mature about it, have some compassion towards the other person and most importantly have RESPECT for other persons feelings and come out clean with their expectations.

Sometimes you get into relationship thinking it will help enrich your life and there is someone with whom you can talk your mind out and JUST BE YOURSELF but sometimes these sort of relationship takes the most harsh turn and end abruptly which is very very painful to say the least.

Well I do try to connect the dots and try to find silver lining as I go through the letting go and come to terms phase but sometimes it just leaves me more and more clueless and LOST!!

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